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School Improvement Team

The Ira B. Jones Elementary School Improvement Team creates a school improvement plan and guides its implementation in order to produce equitable and successful outcomes for student growth. 

School Improvement Teams (SIT) are required by North Carolina law to develop school improvement plans. The team is composed of each school Principal, the Assistant Principal, Instructional Personnel, Instructional Support Personnel, Teacher Assistants, and parents of students enrolled in the school. Representatives are elected by each respective group.

The School Improvement Team develops a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (SIP). They coordinate resources, ideas, and materials to support individual school-wide improvement initiatives. The team helps to build student, teacher, and leadership capacity and drives the school culture. The SIT forms an integral part of the school’s leadership structure, undertaking the crucial role of developing, overseeing, and evaluating the effectiveness and impact of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) each year. It is responsible for leading the strategic planning process, as well as providing clear and achievable goals for our school. The team comprises representatives from across the school and has a shared understanding of the SIT's role in supporting, driving, and monitoring improvement.  

School Improvement Planning is more than a plan; it is a framework for change. The plan itself is simply a map that identifies the school’s destination and requires decision-making and action from various stakeholders to reach that destination along the most direct route. 


The Ira B. Jones Elementary School Improvement Team (SIT) meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm. 


Our Team's Goals & Objectives 
  1. Establish a foundation for systemic continuous school improvement by identifying strengths and opportunities for growth for the school and school community. 

  2. Collaboratively develop and communicate a clear vision for continuous systemic improvement (academic achievement and social-emotional growth) grounded in research-based outcomes supported by historical data and feedback from staff members, parents, community-based partners, students, and district personnel.
  3. Identify the strengths and areas for growth in curriculum and instruction to provide targeted professional development and continuous improvement.
  4. Identify strengths and targeted areas for growth in parental and community involvement to increase school activities and events. 

School Improvement Team MembersĀ 

  • Ruafika Cobb, Principal
  • Craig Shimer, Assistant Principal 
  • Courtney Booth, School Counselor
  • Richard Dunkel, Magnet Theme/5th Grade Teacher
  • Molly Bivins, Process Manager (SIT) and MTSS Representative/Instructional Coach
  • Cathy Sorensen, Digital Lead Teacher/SIT Vice-Chairperson 
  • Susanna Cerrato, 3rd Grade Teacher/SIT Chairperson
  • Erica Bunce, Community Engagement
  • Dusty Fox, Family Engagement/ 4th Grade Teacher
  • Kirstin Daniel, Global Scholars Teacher/ Magnet Theme


Ira B. Jones Elementary School uses the NC STAR Tool Indistar to guide our school improvement process. You can access the tool using the button below. You can log in as a guest to see our school's improvement plan and minutes from each meeting using the credentials below:

Guest Login: GuestS15326  |   Password: GuestS15326

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