Genius Hour
Genius Hour is a specials class that fourth and fifth graders attend each week. The purpose is fairly general, open for students to be able to engage with and explore a wide variety of topics, skills, and activities. Here is a showcase some of the activities we do in Genius Hour!
Edible Heart Models (4th Grade)
Using marshmallows, graham crackers, frosting, and toothpicks, students created a delicious model of the human heart! Graham cracker sections represented the four chambers, small marshmallows made up the pulmonary veins, and larger marshmallows created the vena cava, aorta, and pulmonary artery. Students reviewed the composition and function of the heart, and discussed why both blue and red frosting were used in the model to represent each side of the heart.
Bridge Building! (4th and 5th Grade)
Students were tasked to work in groups, in order to create bridges using household materials that would be able to support the weight of a package of lined paper. Materials included tape, string, cartons, plates, bowls, straws, toothpicks, etc.